You probably landed here while looking for a good junior fullstack developer, someone who understands the importance of the end-user experience. Well, you've found one! Explore my sample work, and contact me when you're done. I would love to speak with you.
We all have dreams - but in order to make dreams become reality, it takes an awful lot of dedication, self-discipline, and effort.
Effective communication leads to better productivity, mutual validation, and a higher valuation of one another.
It is important to realize that professionalism is not just how you behave, but showing a quality product that you take pride in.
Name: Jeremy Wuestefeld
Position: Junior Fullstack Developer
Hi, my name is Jeremy Wuestefeld. I am a junior fullstack developer.
In my current position as a junior fullstack developer I use Angular 6 and Firebase to construct well-built websites, and I am passionate about making the end-user experience as seemless as possible.
Previously, I have worked as a police officer in a small city, and as a mid-level manager in the education field. I have experience installing, configuring, and troubleshooting computer hardware and software. Technologies and tools that I have used include: Angular 6, AngularJS, React, Firebase, NodeJS & Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL & SQLite, Heroku, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Material Design, Bootstrap, Git & GitHub, Sublime Text & VS Code, AutoHotKey, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft operating systems.
Examine my resume
A cat adoption website created with NodeJS, Express, Passport, and MongoDB
A website similar to Patatap, using HowlerJS
A simple DOM manipulation puzzle game where users try to match RGB colors
Using jQuery and AJAX GET requests, weather data is shown to the user
A simple To-Do list using jQuery and AJAX requests
A responsive HTML & CSS website
A simple movable CSS monster
A simple AngularJS website to browse ninjas-for-hire
An AngularJS quiz website to learn about turtles
An AngularJS website with a PostgreSQL database to log your physical training regimen
A MERN stack website to create a bucket list by referencing Youtube videos
A MEAN stack website for following popular TV shows
A MEAN stack website for computer-phone text messaging
An Angular 4 and Firebase course curriculum management website
An Angular 4 and Firebase website for a local business
An Angular 4 and Firebase website for a local non-profit women's recovery house
An Angular 5 and Firebase website for a local religious organization